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Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Effective anger management----Most important emotional skill


It Affects our Health and Well-Being ;   It Impacts the People we Love
Anger is destructive! People are killed, wars are fought and families are destroyed because of it.
And it is all because we are afraid of ourselves and afraid of others. We are all connected. We are all individuals but connected. We are all provided for on this planet. There is no reason for our anger.

If we are suffering from anger and it is affecting our personal and business life and we must admit it to ourselves, and find out the cause of it and put steps into place to eliminate it from our lifves.Not only does it affect the health of the people closest to us, but it effects the health and well-being of our body, mind and spirit. That is a big deal!

“WE are solely responsible for the anger we feel. Anger comes from how we perceive something, not how it is."

It is quite apparent how anger can damage relationships, and that is bad enough. But anger has also been shown to be terribly damaging to the heart, especially in men.
When we become angry, the pumping efficiency of the heart drops, often seriously, leading to arterial damage, making anger management one of the most important emotional skills.

Effective anger management----Most important emotional skill

Understanding trance is the key to anger management
Hypnosis for anger management is so effective because it works on the 'same level' as anger.
When we angry,  we are in an emotional trance state, where the validity of other peoples' opinions no longer applies. Just like in a dream, we are able to hold bizarre opinions which afterwards, can seem stupid even to us!

But during the anger trance, we believe fully in the anger's view of things.
To get control over anger, we have to break this trance before it gets a chance to get going.
Anger Management will help us break out of the anger trance, stop it ruining our relationships, and damaging our health.
we will gain the flexibility to remain calm and objective in the sort of situations that would have made us angry, and enable our ourselves to create mutually beneficial outcomes.

Helping Aged –Heavenly help

Help  the elderly people

There are lots of ways you can do your bit to help lonely or socially isolated elderly people in your community. The person you're helping will reap health benefits, and you'll find you will as well.
Start a conversation
A good start is simply to stop and talk to an elderly neighbor if you pass them on the street.
Offer practical help
Ask them if they need any help with tasks such as shopping, posting letters, picking up prescriptions and medicines or dog-walking.
Share your time
Your contribution could be as simple as a weekly telephone call to an isolated older person, or extend to regular home visits for a chat and to help with shopping and so on, driving an elderly person to a social event, or even hosting coffee mornings for groups of elderly people.
Help with household tasks
Getting older can make it hard to tackle even simple jobs around the house and older people often really appreciate any offer of help with basic chores such as taking out the rubbish, changing light bulbs, fastening sash windows, clearing snow off the path, putting up pictures and so on.
Share a meal
Try to provide the meal in a container that you don't need back - it's hard work for both of you to keep track of serving bowls.
Watch for signs of winter illness
Look out for signs of serious illness, such as drowsiness, slurred speech and the person not complaining of feeling cold even in a bitterly cold room.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Nasal Polyps treatment

Doctors Told Me I Had To Keep Getting Surgery...But Contrary To Their Prediction, I Cured My Nasal Polyps Permanently and Naturally InJust 4 Days!
To Know more please Click here

Morning Sickness Help

Morning Sickness Help

Common morning sickness thoughts:
“I'm tired of feeling so sick.”
"I've tried everything people have suggested and it hasn't helped me; now what?"
“How do I know what to buy? I don't want to waste my money on buying something that doesn't work.”
”Is my Baby OK if I can't take my prenatals because they make me gag?”
"My nose is extremely sensitive to smells which makes me more nauseous."
“I am feeling so miserable, and people don't understand because I look better than I feel.”
"I want to have energy, again."
“My doctor told me I have Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Where do I find help?”

Most likely, you have experienced ONE or more of these situations with your morning sickness:  
    • A remedy seems to help, then stops.
    • What others have recommended to you hasn't helped at all.
    • You've noticed the sales industry has expensive prices for products that all claim to give you relief. But, you've found out that they don't do what they promise.  
    I've got Good News for you!  After following a few basic principles & simple strategies you will avoid getting caught in the plummeting "nausea spiral" that so many accidentally fall into.You've discovered the very BEST site to help!
