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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Wonderful of human Body Parts

The heart is the hardest working muscle in the body. Every day, it creates enough energy to drive a semi-truck over 18 miles (30 kilometers). Over a lifetime, that’s equivalent to driving to the moon and back.

The brain is 60 percent fat, but it still works hard. At any given time, your brain can generate up to 25 watts of power – that’s enough to power a light bulb.

Skin is the human body’s largest organ and is constantly renewing itself. Your skin sheds 50,000 cells every minute. Over a lifetime, that piles up to 40 pounds (18.1 kilograms) of skin.

Your brain is always working, and it is actually more active while you’re sleeping. Scientists say the average person has roughly 70,000 thoughts each day.

You’re born with more than 300 bones, but by the time you’re an adult, you have just 206. This is because some of the bones fuse together.

Babies in the womb grow 8,000 new brain cells every second. Newborn babies can recognize their mother’s face after just a few hours.

Scientists have discovered that the visual cortex of blind people can rewire itself to respond to stimuli received through touch and hearing, helping them to "see" by touch and sound.

The brain itself doesn’t have any pain receptors, so it doesn't feel anything. That is why surgeons can perform open brain procedures on patients while they are awake.

During an average lifetime, the heart will pump nearly 1.5 million barrels of blood. A pumping human heart can squirt blood 10 yards (9.1 meters).

The typical human sneeze travels at just under 40 mph (64 kph). That’s the same speed as a running tiger!
If your arteries, veins and capillaries were laid out end to end, they would measure 62,137 miles (100,000 kilometers). That’s nearly enough to stretch two and a half times around the planet!

Your hair grows nearly one-quarter of an inch (6 millimeters) every four weeks and keeps on growing for up to six years. The hair then falls out, and another grows in its place.

Smell is the oldest of all the senses - before sight, hearing or touch, creatures evolved to respond to chemicals around them. Your brain can remember over 50,000 different scents.

The human brain is the most sophisticated thing in the known universe. Humans have more brain cells at the age of two than at any other point in their lives, but it takes nearly 20 years for the brain to mature.

There is enough iron in a body to make a metal nail measuring up to three inches (7.6 centimeters) long. 

If the human eye were a digital camera, it would have 576 megapixels. An eye can distinguish about 10 million different colors. 

In a lifetime, a person drinks 20,000 (75,000 liters) gallons of water. 

An average person produces about 1.8 pints (one liter) of saliva a day or 25,000 quarts (23,658 liters) of saliva in a lifetime. This is enough to fill two swimming pools. 

Did you know that one’s ears and nose never stop growing? 

If uncoiled, the DNA in all the cells from the human body would stretch up to 10 billion miles. That’s the distance from Earth to Pluto and back or 6,000 trips from Earth to the moon.

Your brain’s long-term memory, which develops until the age of 40, can hold as many as 1 quadrillion (1 million billion) separate bits of information in a lifetime. 
The pulse of your heartbeat changes according to the music you listen to. 

Just like fingerprints, every person has a unique tongue print. 
Your mouth contains around 10,000 taste buds, most of which are located on and around the tiny bumps on your tongue. However, the sense of smell is necessary for taste, too 

Did you know the color of the human bones are actually range from beige to light brown? The bones you see in museums are white in color because they have been boiled and cleaned. 

Since a human heart has its own electrical impulse, it can continue beating for a period of time even if it is separated from the body. 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Word Power -Made easy

Do you Always Use the Right Words? Can you Pronounce it-and Spell it-Correctly? Do you Know How to Avoid Illiterate Expressions? Do you speak Grammatically, without Embarrassing Mistakes?If the answer to any of these questions is NO, you need Word Power Made Easy. Now thoroughly revised to eliminate outmoded references and to reflect current idioms, it remains the best and quickest means to better vocabulary in the English language.Each chapter ends with review. Each section ends with a progress check. Numerous tests will help you increase and retain the knowledge you acquired. Word Power Made Easy does more than just add Words to your vocabulary. It teaches ideas and a method of broadening knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary building process.

Half Girl Friend --Best selling Book

Once upon a time, there was a Bihari boy called Madhav. He fell in love with girl called Riya. Madhav didn't speak English well. Riya did. Madhav wanted a relationship. Riya didn't. Riya just wanted friendship. Madhav didn't. Riya suggested a compromise. She agreed to be his half-girlfriend. From the author of the blockbuster novels Five Point Someone, One Night @ the Call Center, The 3 Mistakes of My Life, 2 States and Revolution 2020 comes a simple and beautiful love story that will touch your heart and inspire you to chase your dreams.

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Manorama Year Book-2015

Manorama Yearbook is celebrating its 50th year of publication. The largest-selling General Knowledge Compendium is one of the most comprehensive books used by students, teachers, researchers, media persons, planners, lay-people alike, covers a wide-spectrum of topics from Science, Medicine, Environment, IT, Literature, Entertainment, History, Geography, Polity, Ethics, Social Justice, International Relations, Current Affairs and Sports. The 1040 page Manorama Yearbook is a treasure trove of information and statistics which is much sought-after by students preparing for various competitive exams ranging from Civil Services, Banks, Railways, UPSC and PSC exams across the country.
With the 50th Anniversary Edition we have a Free Britannica Encyclopedia, a set of 7 Ebooks, each featuring 100 influential personalities. It also covers t features articles by eminent people such as A.P.J. Kalam, Shashi Tharoor, Jayant V. Narlikar, Nirupama Rao, Kiran Bedi and many others. Besides, a 1000 Quiz Bonanza on 50 varied topics to thrill Quizzers, the world over!!!

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Friday, 29 May 2015

Reverse your TYPE 2 Diabetes

reverse your type 2 diabetes
7 steps to health diabetes book
You can take your health back into your own hands. You can free yourself from the shackles of constant blood sugar readings, daily drug regimens and even prevent the horrible health complications that await diabetics down the road.
We have assembled hundreds of suppressed scientific studies and powerful medical research into an easy to read and understand step by step health guide called "The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie". It has already been used to help tens of thousands of diabetics all over the world.
Learn the truth about these life changing scientifically proven diabetes treatment methods and embark on the path to kicking your diabetes' butt for good.

Vision Without Glasses

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No more Heart Burn

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Thursday, 28 May 2015

Natural clear vision

If you are suffering from:

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Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Anabolic- Building Muscles

Did you know your body has a “failsafe” that stops you from growing more muscle after you have gained the first 5-10 lbs? It’s called Anabolic Slowdown. And it’s your body’s way of saying it doesn’t want to spend any more energy or resources on building more muscle.

For More details 
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Destroy depression

  • You are always tired, always have low energy and you always struggle to accomplish everything on your daily "to do" list.
  • It’s hard to find the motivation to do anything… including going out with friends or completing tasks
  • You feel anxious and worried about little things in life
  • Negative thoughts and feelings of anger are often playing themselves in your mind
  • You feel restless, irritable and often lash out at the people who are closest to you
  • It can be difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep – regardless of how tired you may be
  • You can’t concentrate on anything, your mind feels like jelly and you are more forgetful than ever.
  • You have headaches, backaches, joint pain and other physical ailments that you can’t pin-point the problem and don’t respond to regular treatments
  • Some days you feel sad or guilty about the things you haven’t done… and regrets play heavy on your mind.
  • Even when there is a room full of people around you... you still feel lonely and often worry that no one really likes you.
  • You have problems with your weight and you are starting to feel overwhelmed by your own life.

Change your life

1     Get rid of unwanted hair ANYWHERE !  FOR  ONE WEEK rub 2tbsp coffee grounds mixed with 1 tbsp baking soda.The baking soda intensifies the compounds of the coffee breaking down the hair follicles at the root!

2     When     ever you get burned, apply toothpaste  it soothes the pain and stops the  burning

3     Drinking  half a glass of water before bed and half a glass when waking up can serve as a psychological cue to remember  all of your dreams

 4     Exhale on alternate feet while running  to avoid cramps.This prevents adding extra stress to one side of your body.

5     Cauliflower dipped in BBQ sauce tastes almost the same as chicken nuggets and it's infinitely healthier.

6    FOR Sore throat/Cold remedy: Mix hot water,two tablespoons of lemon juice, two tbsp of honey ,2tbsp of vinegar and  a dash of cinnamon.Mix well and drink, you will feel better within hours.

Beauty food bible

To get rid of BAD BREATH

  • How to get rid of that ugly white coating on your tongue... without scraping! (Also find out why scraping your tongue will NOT get rid of the white coating... even if you scrape until it bleeds!
  • A scientifically-proven way to eliminate mouth ulcers and canker sores for good... even if you have been plagued by them for as long as you can remember!
  • Why you should NEVER use commercially-available toothpaste! Recent scientific studies prove that most of them contain harsh chemicals that cause huge damage inside your mouth. 
  • Why a commonly used (and ultra-expensive) halitosis treatment that is recommended by so-called "experts" not only makes your bad breath even worse than before, but also screws up your overall health too! 
  • The one critical secret to wiping out your bad breath forever... that nobody else tells you about. 

5 simple things you can do today that can rid you of bad breath, even before you try the treatment! At the very least, this will slash your problem in half! 

Teethe whitening for 4

  • Are you sick and tired of seeing discolored, yellowish teeth staring back at you in the mirror each morning?

  • Have you had enough of feeling embarrassed by your teeth?

  • Do you worry that the sight of your discoloured teeth may be affecting your personal or work relationships?

  • Would you like a beautiful, pearly white smile, just like you used to have when you were young?

  • Have you considered having a commercial teeth whitening procedure, but have been put off by the high costs and potential dangers?

    • Do you just wish that there was a quick, easy and 100% SAFE way to achieve brighter, whiter teeth, without having to pay thousands of dollars to do it?

      IF yes ,

      Find a  cheap way to achieve sparkling white teeth from home

Life changing Hacks. You can try now

1.    Whenever you get burned, apply tooth paste ,it soothes the pain and stop the  burning

2. Eating Solman fish  can help your hair grow faster

3.  Smiling naturally lifts the muscles in the face and slows down the rate at which we age

4.  Lemon juice with pinch of Salt(warm ) every morning lowers cholesterol levels and brings down your          weight.

5. Your phone emits a radiation  that  1000 times stronger  when the battery is  low. Avoid answering  it  when this is the case.

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Friday, 13 March 2015

Wholesale Designer Handbag Directory

Looking for suppliers of authentic wholesale designer handbags, clothing, shoes, and other goods for your business, a business you’d like to start OR just for yourself?
Have You:
Spent hours searching online for suppliers with little to no luck?
Found suppliers but not sure you can trust them—are they legitimate? Is their merchandise really authentic?
Purchased ‘wholesale lists’ that turned out to be junk?
Been burned by scam artists who sold you fake merchandise or took off with your money?

Urban Survival Secrets-Guide

  • The Perfect Survival Plan should be
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  • Compatible with Your Current Living Situation.
  • Easily Usable By Your Family If You Can’t Lead Them.
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Thursday, 12 March 2015

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Friday, 6 March 2015

Science Based Diet to remove fat

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Enhancing Body Shaping System for Men and Women

These 5 steps reveal the things you absolutely MUST AVOID if you want to slow the aging process, reclaim your health, and achieve your ideal body.

Step 1: Forget Low-Fat Diets

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Step 4: Avoid Chronic Dehydration

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Female Fat Loss

Science has now discovered that virtually everything to do with weight loss for both men and women is controlled by one master hormone.
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Wednesday, 4 March 2015

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